Chat Off The Mat - Holistic Healing, Feminine Energy and Tools for Vibrant Living

Transforming Grief: Jocelyn Bates on Soul Art, Human Design, and Holistic Healing

Rose Wippich Episode 57

How does one turn grief into a healing journey? I chat with Jocelyn Bates, a soul artist and healer whose profound personal journey sheds light on the transformative power of creativity and therapeutic practices. After the sudden loss of her parents, Jocelyn embarked on a path of holistic healing that included transcendental meditation, cold plunging, and human design. 

Learn about the transformative journey of soul art, which integrates intention setting, creating body or energy maps, and deriving profound insights from creative expression. Jocelyn will take you through various types of soul art journeys such as body mapping and energy mapping. Discover how this practice can empower you by revealing your inner wisdom and leading to actionable spirit actions inspired by your own creativity.

We also explore the paradigm shift towards a more decentralized, community-focused world and the impact this has on personal relationships and societal structures. Jocelyn introduces the concept of Human Design, highlighting different types and their influence on personal decisions and responses to life's challenges. 

Key Takeaways:

1. Understanding the therapeutic power of soul art
2. Practical strategies for emotional healing
3. Implementing human design principles
4. Building community-focused healing practices
5. Integrating creativity with personal growth

Jocelyn is a Cultivator of Curiosity in the Human Experiment. She is a Soul Art Guide, Akashic Records Guide, Yoga Nidra Guide and Human Design Mentor. She is also an Expressive Arts Therapist/Intermodal and an EFT Master Practitioner. She has been working with people for over 25 years in different capacities to help them find their authenticity and purpose in life. 

Connect with Jocelyn:
Insight Timer

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Rose is passionate about guiding women to discover their inner strength and resilience. She hopes to inspire women with transformative tools and wisdom that will help them embrace their full potential, heal deeply, and create their most vibrant lives.

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Rose Wippich:

Ready to unlock your most authentic and vibrant self? Welcome to Chat Off Of he Mat. I'm your host Rose Wippich and I'm here to guide you on an extraordinary journey of feminine healing, energy work and total well-being, Get ready to be inspired by authentic with leading women practitioners, wellness experts and holistic healers. Subscribe to Chat Off The Mat wherever you get your podcast and let's create magic together. o discover. the podcast that explores the transformative journey of healing and self-discovery where energy, spirituality, mind and body intersect.

Rose Wippich:

Today On Chat Off The Mat, I welcome Jocelyn Bates. Jocelyn is a soul artist and a soul art guide. She's a cultivator of curiosity and creativity in the human experiment, an Akashic Records guide, a Yoga Nidra guide, an expressive arts therapist, a master EFT practitioner, a holistic practitioner. She's a teacher, artist, writer and a podcaster. A mama of three, a four-slash-one-quad-right generator, a shaman and an Aquarian. Welcome, Jocelyn.

Jocelyn Bates:

Hello, hello.

Rose Wippich:

I just want to tell the audience a little bit about how we've met. We've met outside of the podcasting world. We actually study under the same shaman teacher, Janet Straight Arrow, who I've interviewed for the show in the past, so that's how we got to know each other.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, yeah, I've known Janet for a long time. Years ago I had a stillbirth and then I got pregnant right afterwards and I had so much anxiety that I went to her to kind of just make sure that my pregnancy stayed, and and she was friends with my mom and so my mom had gone to her for a long time and so I've known. She married me, she blessed my kids.

Rose Wippich:

I know Janet is fantastic.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, she's, she's, great, she's one of a kind right. Yeah, yeah, no-transcript. Well, you're never done healing. You know you're always working through this life and so many things like end up blocking our energy in all different ways that you know we're always working to clear things and be our highest version of ourselves, yeah, so we can help others, right?

Rose Wippich:

So? So let's, let's circle back to you and let's tell, tell the audience more about yourself and what has led you on the path of to helping others.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, okay, so I've. I've always, I've always been on the path of helping others. I've always been on the creative path. I mean, I was just a, a creative kid that just kind of grew up and in college I went to school for expressive art therapy and intermodal and mental health counseling and so I ended up. You know, I actually didn't want to be a therapist, which is funny. I didn't want to be a therapist, I'd rather have been like a rebirther. I would have rather been like a yoga teacher slash rebirther on the side but I didn't end up doing that and I ended up going to school and I ended up in the therapy world and, of course, I ended up with teenagers, because teenagers love me.

Jocelyn Bates:

I ended up with working with sexual trauma, teenage girls, and I worked in the juvenile system with boys and I've been all over the map working in lots of different places with people, but more in a therapeutic, in a therapeutic relationship and in using the arts. So then I had kids and I was in such a. It was, you know, I was dealing with teenagers and young adults who had these things happen to them and it was kind of awful. And so when I had kids I was like Ooh, I don't want my kids to do anything. They're never going to date, they're never going to walk across the street, they're never going to like you know.

Jocelyn Bates:

So, yeah, yeah, they're never going to drive because, oh my God, I know, you know, I I just I stopped and I became a homeschool mom and unschooling mom and of course, I missed it. So I kept doing all of my. I started running co-ops and teaching classes on out school and like just doing this stuff from home so I could be home with the kids. And that was well and good and I still felt like I was contributing to people. You know, I was really. I love helping people with curiosity, because curiosity in particular and creativity together can they're like, they're like a magic potion, and so a lot of times when you have like teenagers who are kind of on that we get a lot of things from public school and all of these places. We get a lot of external rules and ways we're supposed to be, and yeses and noes and rights and wrongs and goods and bads, and when you can kind of break teenagers of that, it's like it's like watching a flower blossom. So I just I love that work and then I was doing that and then my parents died seven days apart, in 2021. And I am an only child. We lived with my parents. They were like second parents to my kids and it was totally unexpected and super traumatic and I ended up in shock for quite some time.

Jocelyn Bates:

And, um, and so after that, uh, after I was able to come out of the shock, I really needed to heal myself and I knew I had the beginnings with art therapy, you know, with like expressive art therapy. So I had written and drawn all the way through. And, um, I started back in with meditation and I went and get, I went to the transcendental meditation center and got my mantra for my and I was doing that two times a day and I was cold plunging and I was. I found human design again at that point and I there were so many things I was doing just to begin to like, I guess, make my body a safe place to come back to I think that's probably the best way to put it Like my body was not safe to come back into until I started to find some quiet and some stillness and some calm.

Jocelyn Bates:

And in that, all of a sudden, I really felt this need to connect to other realms, other dimensions, to my parents, to my ancestors, and so that journey kept going and, of course, Janet was there the whole time. She was probably one of the first people. I think I might've called her a few weeks after my parents died and I was like Janet, I need help. My parents died and she didn't know, and I cause I didn't put it on, you know, and it was like it was a pretty intense session and um and so there was this calling to the spiritual world happening through this.

Jocelyn Bates:

You know, I was being visited by my parents in dreams, I was smelling them everywhere, my kids were seeing them in the house. There was all this crazy synchronicity happening and there was so much going on that I knew it wasn't of this world. So I ended up really just jumping headlong into this journey that took me from, you know, TM and cold plunges, to human design, to Akashic Records, to Yoga, yoga nidra, to soul art, and now I offer them all. It's one of those things I always feel like I don't ever want to offer anything that I haven't fully understood and done myself right or like really grasp.

Jocelyn Bates:

You know like I get it. You know so, uh, so yeah. So now I offer that and I feel like having gone through such an intense grief and it's still in me, like I still have days where I'm like I'm not. You never come back from that completely, but I still have these days. But, having gone through grief the way I did and understanding now what a portal of transformation it can be, like understanding that those moments, those vulnerable, heartbroken moments, actually do have a huge gift at the other side. And seeing how many people are grieving right now, I feel called to tell my story, to be out there to help people, to inspire people to get curious and creative with their, not only with, like you know, how they create or write or perform on stage, but with their entire life, like with their spirit, with who they are, with what they want to do. So, yeah, I don't know if I answered your question.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, oh, absolutely no, and I know we spoke earlier and I didn't. I didn't know your story but your parents dying so close apart during COVID and I know you shared more with me and it was really traumatic and you weren't able to see your mom and you know there was a lot of elements there that really added to this, like I don't know the shock that you experienced. And you know I've recently met and have interviewed a lot of people who have transformed through grief and are now helping others and I think you know when I was thinking about this today and I was thinking, well, were there ever like a lot of grief? Therapists and counselors you know way back when I've never really heard of them as much as I have now. I think maybe with all the grief we've experienced with COVID, you know that was such a big effect on everyone.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, and you know, death and and and grief is taboo it. You know it's one of those things that you know I never actually sought out a grief council. Actually, I did seek out an art therapist at one point and it was the most terrific experience that I'd ever had. I actually, you know she, she blamed me for my parents' death and then fired me because I wasn't vaccinated. Like, talk about being a therapist? Yeah, really crazy. So I, you know I and then after that you'd be surprised I couldn't find a grief group that was open. I looked for a grief group for a really long time and couldn't find one. The only thing I found were some Facebook groups and I felt like people were on those Facebook groups to like I don't know, vomit out something to. It wasn't to heal to me. When I went into those groups I felt like there was a lot of there. If you were, you know I was in anger, yeah, anger, or comparison, like oh.

Jocelyn Bates:

my son. You don't understand Like there was a lot of that talk, and so I felt it was a bit unhealthy for me. There were a few really good ones, though that really focused on coping or moving through it, you know, which did help me a little, but for the most part now you'll see lots of lots of therapists place grief on their list of who they work with. Yeah, they place it there, but I don't know, I kind of feel like grief. I feel like it's more of a spiritual journey.

Rose Wippich:

I do too.

Jocelyn Bates:

And a therapeutic journey and and I don't know how many people I mean now they have like death doulas. You know, I think that's a fascinating, amazing job. Like death doula is man, I wish I could have been a death doula for my parents, like I wish I could have walked them through at some point, because that work is that. That's angel work.

Rose Wippich:

You know that's like a friend of mine. She does that. She works in hospice with people and she's a Reiki Master, and she has just a lot of gifts, spiritual gifts, and she helps people with that. I want to talk about your soul art, though, because I know your soul art is just such an integral part of you and how you express yourself and how you will help others. So I want to talk about your soul art.

Jocelyn Bates:

Oh yeah. So soul art is something I knew about when I got, when I graduated college as an expressive art therapist, or it was like a few years after I knew about it and I was like you know what, I'm working too hard, I don't have time to go to more classes because it's a whole certification project, like, and I'm actually currently in my third of four certifications for it. And I decided after I went through all of my kind of a lot of my healing and I had been through human design and I had been, I'd gotten trained in the Akashic Records, and then I was, I hit my wall. I had to go to Yoga Nidra and I got trained there because that saved my life physically, like I finally could sleep again and my anxiety began to just dissipate. I was like I need the next thing because I almost got addicted to like oh, I learned this, I have that certification and I am a line.

Rose Wippich:

It's the Aquarian, but it's the Aquarian in you as well, yeah.

Jocelyn Bates:


Rose Wippich:

I'm like okay what's next?

Jocelyn Bates:


Jocelyn Bates:

next and then I was like oh, soul art, I've been wanting to do this for like 25 years, you know. So I reached out and I started that journey. And soul art is it uses a lot of the same tools as expressive art therapy, but I would say the difference and I think I've said this on a few podcasts I've talked on is like the idea that expressive art therapy is like writing on lined paper with a pen and working in soul art is like having an infinite amount of markers in a room with white walls you know what I'm saying? Like it's just there's because it brings in the soul, the spirit, the you know highest lined energy, because it's all coming from you. There's no therapist to bounce anything off of. You're actually bouncing it off of your own creative expression and your own energy and soul, and even if someone's guiding you, they're just. They're just doing a little bit of like witnessing and reflecting for you. So it's just a really cool journey. And soul art is like. So we work with Janet and she does these journeys.

Jocelyn Bates:

Soul art is very similar because you create an intention and when you create that intention, like a little piece of who you are, your energy goes into that and it journeys with you the whole time, so that and that. So you have that intention and then you create a framework and that framework is maybe a body map or an energy map, or you might literally outline your body right, or you might outline a body part right. You don't have to have like 10 foot paper, like I do, you could do it just to hand outline a body part right. You don't have to have like 10 foot paper, like I do, you could do it just to hand. You have like 10, 10 foot paper.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, yeah, I work on like big, huge paper and and so then you do the body, you kind of create a framework and your body map, and then you open a creativity door into creative expression, where you let go of everything you did previously and just play on a page like you're playing on your framework, and after that you converse and dialogue and gain insights from your creative expression and then you create a spirit action, and that spirit action has an ending time. So, like right now I'm working a spirit action, that is, I'm supposed to be writing the fictional story of who I am as a medicine woman and then the last two minutes of that five minute time I'm supposed to let my little wise elder go in and find the visions in my fiction. That's what that's like, my spirit action for five days and it's over on June 27th at 10 am, and at that point my energy will come back to me and we'll begin the next journey, right?

Rose Wippich:

So this is a framework that is created by you and you guide people through this, or is this a framework that develops out of their initial intention and soul journey, like, like you know, do you have a because I'm very kind of literal like, okay, do you have a book with, like you know, here's like step one, step two, step three, and this is what I need to do, or does it trend or does it form as you're going through the process?

Jocelyn Bates:

So it can be as narrow and, like you know, really monitored right in the lines as you want it to be, or it can be really, really open. So soul art was begun by Laura Hullick years ago and so she runs this program that's why. So she kind of gives you this framework to begin with, and these three stages are in order. So you start with intention, then you create a framework and you could do it however you'd like. You open a creativity door, which could be anything as simple as writing or doing a collage, or picking a card or reading a story, and then you just play on whatever you're going to work on. Maybe it's like a big piece of paper, maybe it's a small eight by 11 piece of lined paper right, it doesn't matter. And then at the end of that expression, you find the insights in it and then you create the spirit action, and your spirit action is kind of it's inspired from your insight. So you take the insight that hits you the deepest and I'll tell you something insights in soul art. There's something special about it, because what you realize when you're going through the insight piece of it is that you realize it's all your soul talking and this was in you all along. There comes a confidence and a courageousness with each insight that you get in, a soul art, because it's all you and you're like, wow, I have the power now to answer anything I need to answer, and it's very empowering. And once you find the insight I'll have. Sometimes I'll have tons of insights. I'll have like a list of insights, sometimes it's one or two. But once you find the insight that's connected to you, then you create a really tangible, doable spirit action. It could be simple, it could be like I'm going to meditate for one day, maybe not a full day. I'm going to meditate for 20 minutes today and that's the end of your spirit action. But it should have something to do with your insight.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, so it's a journey. It takes anywhere from like two and a half to three hours to going. You know you could make a journey as long as you want, as long as you want to keep your creative expression open until you find the ending point of it. But but yeah, and there's all kinds of soul art journeys you can go on Like. So I am certified in body mapping journey and energy mapping journeys, but right now I'm getting very close to the end of a creation journey. So I'll be certified in creation journeys, probably by mid July. And then there's shaman journeys and within each of these there's journeys to find your soul star, your earth star, right. There's so many different journeys. You can go on and it's just amazing.

Jocelyn Bates:

Just yesterday I finished a journey of the union of my inner child and my wise elder and it was super fascinating.

Rose Wippich:

And that just comes to you right.

Jocelyn Bates:

Well, these are the pieces I'm going through in the certification process. So, because I'll be running these journeys, I have to go like every little piece. I go on a full journey of Right. So, like, whereas I might be running an energy mapping journey with someone and it takes, it uses the soul star and the earth star and the core star and the spirit realm and the earth realm, I have literally done a soul art journey for every one of those little things.

Jocelyn Bates:

So I've done, I've done a lot, and then as you begin to get further in your intentions, like as you begin to understand how to create an intention and how to really jump into an intention which is a beautiful thing to practice and to know and how to really get the juiciest and best intentions, once you do that, your journey could really go in many different places. You know, it doesn't have to be visual art. I've done video, I've done photography, I've done sewing, I've done dance, you know. So it doesn't have to be visual art. I've done video, I've done photography, I've done sewing, I've done dance, you know. So it doesn't have to stay on the page. It's just the easiest way I think people for to begin to understand the process.

Rose Wippich:

Right, wow, that's, it's really amazing. And so so people that come to you and want to explore this where do you see that they have blocks? Do they do they like? Are they uncomfortable with doing something like this? Because it's different, like it's not like? Okay, give me a, give me a journal prompt and let me write in my journal.

Rose Wippich:

You know this is totally different, like I can see, like people just like sticking their feet and painting, walking on the tap, on the, on the canvas or something like like it's real different. I've done that.

Jocelyn Bates:

I know I have a feeling you did, I could see myself doing that too.

Rose Wippich:

But you know, I could sense like, okay, like it's something that is maybe out of somebody's comfort zone.

Jocelyn Bates:

Oh, for sure. But I'll tell you what as we head towards 2027, as we head towards some major paradigm shifts, like, as we head that way, creativity is going to be so important and unfortunately, we all come from a public school system that has killed a lot of our creativity, that has offered us many external rules, many internal critics who have told us yes and no, right and wrong, good and bad They've been. It's our entire life, right, like we are often cut down from critical thinking. We're cut down from being curious about certain things. We're shot down in a lot of different ways and so, yeah, so many adults have a hard time with it.

Jocelyn Bates:

Like I just ran an insight timer today on soul art. I had, like I had so many people, and many people in the beginning were like I can't do this, I can't do this, this is not me, I'm not creative. Right, they're writing in by the end of the class, of just talking about it. They were all like I'm in, I'm on fire. I feel it Like there's inspiration, because they just have to realize this is not them.

Jocelyn Bates:

We are innately creative. It is our birthright to be creative. We are a hundred. I mean. We are human beings, we are souls living in human bodies, and creativity is how we connect to the soul, like creativity, whether it be literally painting or creativity. Sometimes we connect through our souls, through a really good conversation, and that's creative. Even food, food, rocks, gardening, anything like even finance can be creative. If you know you really who the heck came up with those financial stock graphs and stuff. Whoever that was, that was creative. There's like candles that are green and red and it's everywhere yeah, that's, that's amazing yeah I, it's, it's, it's, uh, I want, I want to talk about all right.

Rose Wippich:

So so you mentioned 2027. Now, I wasn't aware of this paradigm shift and I need you to talk about it because you mentioned it. So there's the gateway right to that conversation. Let everyone know, because I know people are curious and you want people to be curious. What is that?

Jocelyn Bates:

In human design, it's the paradigm shift. It's when, in human design, in February of 2027, we're shifting from the gate of planning to the gate of the sleeping Phoenix. Three the gate of the sleeping Phoenix Sorry, my daughter is the gate of the sleeping Phoenix.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, gate of the sleeping Phoenix. And so the significance of this is that it hasn't actually the gate hasn't changed since the early 1600s. We have been in the gate of planning since the early 1600s. We have been in the gate of planning since the early 1600s. That's just crazy that this hasn't shifted right and it's really we've been in the not self of it. We've been in like it's. The beautiful part of the gate of planning is we take care of other people, right, you know. But uh, and so that's where things like banking and school system I don't know if banking ever started that way, but the school system, the school system the medical environment.

Rose Wippich:


Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, but you see how it's turned to the not self, it's all for, it's all for personal profit. For you know it really doesn't help anybody in the end.

Jocelyn Bates:

Right, you know you look at yeah, you look like like at a program where they send food to, like what they would call maybe a third world country, right, like, and we have them now dependent on food that is probably hurting them, sending them vaccines that are probably killing them, and we don't even see the actual there's no, there's no connection. We're not seeing what's happening. We're not building the empathy. It's. It doesn't work. We need to love our neighbors, right? So so, yeah, so this we've been in the gate of planning, in the not self of gate of planning for quite some time, and in February of 2027, we are going to shift to the gate of the sleeping phoenix, which is all about taking care of yourself and intimacy with people, not like literal, like physical intimacy, physical intimacy of the cross, but really having intimate relationships, intimate conversations with people who are around you, who are near you, with your family, actually knowing people, right, and, and so in February, that vibration of the gate of planning, where we want to take care of everyone else, just shuts off like that, and the gate of the sleeping phoenix goes on like that, and so it's a paradigm shift. It's not going to happen all at once. Paradigm shift. It's not going to happen all at once, like nothing. Everything's not going to crumble all at once, but you do see what they say. We're midwifing it right now, and you can see it in how the school systems are rocking a little bit. They're like they're. They're having a little bit of their own earthquake with all the stuff going on in the classrooms, with the bullying, with all of the parents and what's being taught. There's so much questioning going on the banking system. I don't know what, I don't know when that's going to fall, but eventually that has to fall somehow.

Jocelyn Bates:

The corporations, you read all of this is like the gate of the, the gate of planning, having this, this, like you know, we're midwifing it. It's having contractions and it's not working. So where we live in, you know a very centralized place right now. You know we have to rely on people in China for medication or people in India, for, you know, whatever it is, they're not our neighbors. We're going to go to a place where we have to start relying on our neighbors, where we're decentralized. So if you think of, like, the gate of planning is centralization, the gate of Sleeping Phoenix is like decentralization, and so there's a lot of change that's going to shift. It's going to happen over years, though, but that vibration will be immediately gone.

Jocelyn Bates:

So I, like my teacher likes to say, she goes don't worry about it, it's just going to be your. You know like how right. Even think about sexuality right now. Everyone gets put in these boxes. There's very many boxes, right, and you can't just be gay or a lesbian. There's like 15,000 boxes. It feels like out there, right, and that's very gate of planning. When we get into the gate of the sleeping phoenix, it's like I just love another human.

Jocelyn Bates:

I just love this human right, that's where we're going, so it's actually super beautiful. And then she goes. She tells you how beautiful she goes. Of course, people are going to die, a lot of people are going to die, but they're like what you know? But it's you know, there is. There has to be a breakdown of what was built up. So that's the pirate. That's the paradigm shift. There's a lot, and I don't think it's going to happen all at once. I don't expect a big doomsday. That's the paradigm shift. There's a lot, and I don't think it's going to happen all at once. I don't expect a big doomsday, but I do expect a shift in how we relate to each other, how we relate to the systems that provide for us and how we relate to ourselves. What's going to be important are the people in your community and like really being a part of that. And so it'll be. It'll be interesting, yeah, because right now, like, there's a lot of people who don't have a local community because their community is online across the world, so you know which?

Rose Wippich:

is good too, because they're creating more global communities. I'm not saying that's bad, I'm just saying that we're isolating ourselves in our home where we're not having like kind of like one on one flesh to flesh conversations, you know, like like a hug. Like a hug, oh my gosh, I went on a Reiki retreat over the weekend and up at Omega, which is close by with, with people there that have whole wonderful Reiki energy and we were hugging. I mean like we must've all hugged each other like a million times. It just felt so good to do that, yeah.

Jocelyn Bates:

You know, it's awesome.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, yeah, hugs are great.

Jocelyn Bates:

That's going to come back. I mean, mean, I just I feel like we are being pushed to the limit and as we midwife things, people are going to be grabbing for things, trying to control things that might be, in the end, uncontrollable. So you know, I'm not worried about it, I'm not scared about it, I think it should be. You know, as long as you, in human design, you have a strategy and authority, and as long as you follow your strategy and authority, you'll be just fine. Talk about human design.

Rose Wippich:

I think that's important, maybe to segue. I don't want to interrupt you, I'm so sorry.

Jocelyn Bates:

Well, I was just going to say in other. You know, just like in astrology, like following your instincts or you know, however you look at it, but human design has a strategy. So if you go and find your free chart you can go anywhere and find a free chart You'll look at a body. It'll show you a body graph and it'll show you two columns of gates and planets and on, like the one side of it, you'll see, like your profile, your type, your strategy, your authority, it's right there, it'll be flat out for you. And your strategy, your authority, it's right there, it'll be flat out for you. Right, and you're a strategy authority. Really, take into account your type and and and your body graph.

Jocelyn Bates:

So, like my strategy authority is I'm a pure generator. That's my type. And because I'm a pure generator, my strategy and authority are to, um, to respond, to respond to things. And's sacral, so it's a sacral response. And in of that, I know that if I'm frustrated, I haven't followed my strategy and authority. Frustration is the key to let me know that I'm not. It's not anger, it's not sadness, only when I'm it's a very specific kind For me. It's a very specific feeling like ah, but you know it's a frustration. So for me, and if you are or somebody else is a pure generator, you can practice your response by simply doing sacral sessions, like asking people in your house I forget, were you a generator? You're not a generator.

Rose Wippich:

I'm a projector Projector Quad left projector.

Jocelyn Bates:

So you're not a sacral, I'm splenic, yes. Oh well, that's very intuitive. That's needing to follow the instinct immediately.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, since I was a child, I was very intuitive.

Jocelyn Bates:

That's the knowing. So, whereas you're a splenic authority, right, you just know and go right, you just know and go, you have to pay attention. And you just know and go, right, you just know, you have to pay attention. And when you don't listen, it kind of back back like back up.

Jocelyn Bates:

You don't want to do that. So, but for for peer generators, we have to have a vocal response, a yes or no. Uh, huh, yep, nope, it's a sacral response. We're responding to something. Your splenic authority may not need to respond to anything, you just might have it. I have to be responding to something. And so when I was first working with my strategy and authority, I had my husband ask every day I'd have him ask me yes or no questions and I like uh-huh, uh-uh, because it feels very guttural. Some people like yep, nope, doesn't matter. But he'd ask me things like are you wearing a shirt today? Are you wearing a shirt today? Are you wearing a skirt? Is it rainy out? Is it summer? Is it your birthday? Do you like pizza? Do you like the color red? And just like constant, like that. And I'd be like uh-huh, wow. And after a while, and then he'd throw in things like do you really want to do that class? And I'd be like uh-uh, and I was like oh, I don't want to do it.

Rose Wippich:

So your answer came from that literal response. Yes, it was almost your innate, your intuitive answer. Not your, not your head. It goes from your sacral, not your head. I'm pointing to my head.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, ah, interesting. And so you start with the voice and then you can start to feel, when someone asks you a question, the response, but whereas your splenic also knows you don't need to respond in the same way, so you don't need to be asked a question, I need to be asked a question. When I first found out about this, I was so funny. I was like this huge aha, because my husband would always say to me we'd go on a date night and he'd be like, what do you want to eat? And I'd be like, and I'd start to get frustrated, like, why is he asking me what I want to eat? He's the man, he's the husband. You should take me where I want to go. You should know what I want to eat, you know.

Rose Wippich:

Make a decision.

Jocelyn Bates:

Right, right, but and it was frustration first key need to respond, right. So when I first learned this, every time we would go on a date night I'd be like don't ask me, what, do I want this, do I want that? And he would start do you want sushi, do you want pizza, do you want? And it made every date night so much easier. I didn't hit the point of frustration. We would figure it out in almost a minute. We would be there, we'd have a great time. Inevitably, we'd meet, because when you follow your set, your strategy and authority, you meet people that are interesting to you. You start to find opportunities. It's really great conversations. So, but that's a. That's a generator, pure generator. It's not for everybody Like.

Jocelyn Bates:

So my husband's an emotional, he's an emotional authority, so he needs to kind of sit on it. He emotional authority, needs to give. They ride an emotional wave all the time so he needs to sometimes like sleep on it. And whenever he's feeling like the wave is kind of right in the center, that's when I can ask him yes and no questions, right? So that's like an emotional authority.

Rose Wippich:

Wow, it's important to well. This is a new concept for me. I just recently came across human design. I wish I'd known about it sooner, although it's only been around since the 80s I believe, but it's just really interesting. It helps you to understand someone a little better, more than just you know, I don't know. It just helps you understand yourself better.

Jocelyn Bates:

It helps you understand yourself in a relationship. I find that to be the super helpful to me, because not only do you have your strategy and authority, you have a profile which is like a line, a dash, and a line like I'm a four one, and that's an opportunistic investigator, right? So there's, and there's only, like, I think, 12 or 13 profiles in total, and then you have these centers, which is also it's, it's astrology, I Ching, kabbalah, numerology, all kind of mixed into one, and so you have the chakra system, but you have nine chakras instead of seven, and each chakra center is connected to a certain kind of energy that we have. So, like you have either an undefined or defined energy center. So I have, like, the solar plexus, which is connected to the feelings in the human design chart, right, how it's the do.

Jocelyn Bates:

I have constant connection to my feelings and I have an undefined solar plexus. So I do not have a constancy at all to my emotions. I don't. I just I'm undefined there. My husband, however, is he's defined. He has you know what he's feeling any time of the day, and when he walks in, I have three undefined solar plexuses in my house. We'll all start to. If he is angry, we'll all start to get like you pick it up. Yeah, we pick it up.

Jocelyn Bates:

We magnify it and like or if he's happy, we might all get happy, like we're all like. I have one kid who's defined and she'll. She's her own because she's defined in the solar plexus, and so she's her own because she's defined in the solar plexus and so she's always got her own constancy of emotion. So if I had known this when I was a teenager man, would I have been able to change some things, because I was in an abusive relationship in teenage years and I took on all of his emotions. If I had known I didn't have a constant energy to my emotions or to my emotional center, like I would have known that it wasn't mine, that I'm picking this up from someone else, what an ugly hatred. And instead I was like oh I, I hated myself. That ugly you know so like it can see how you, how you relate in relationship to other people. It's super helpful.

Rose Wippich:

You're lucky, though. Your husband is open to understanding all of this. Some won't. So they'd be like what are you talking about? Well, just just you know, and and so. So, yeah, you're so, you're, you're lucky. I think that's. That's, that's great Wishing all men would be open to understanding more about themselves. Go ahead.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, and even if you have, like, a husband who doesn't right, so here's a, here's like one of the things I do, because I know he's an emotional authority. He doesn't need to know I'm doing anything Right. And so when I need an answer from him and I need an answer pretty quickly and I can't wait over the night for him and it's an, he has an emotional response. I'm like what I do say to get a hint is I'm wondering how you feel about, and that will open up the conversation. And then I can turn it into a yes, no, he doesn't even know I do it, he doesn't know I do it.

Jocelyn Bates:

So, like you can, actually, if you understand the chart of your husband, you can begin to just, you don't even need him to take part. You just start to understand oh my God, he has an undefined you know, maybe he has an undefined will or an undefined identity center. And now you understand oh my God, that's why he's so different around his friends and his family and me and the kids, because he's able to shift identity with how it needs to be seen Right. So you just get to start to understand things that you might have thought were your own to begin with.

Rose Wippich:

That makes sense. It makes sense. Yes, I think this concept is a little new for a lot of people. I know you help people with this because you do this work for people, and I think that I've spoken to you. I think I need you to help me with identifying me so that I can, you know, not waste my time in certain things or certain areas, or be certain ways, and know how to respond according to my own chart.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, yeah, it's important to know your strategy and authority and a lot of people in human design like to know how to follow your strategy and authority. That will lead you into deconditioning. So, like in human design we talk about, we're conditioned by society, by family, by culture, by government, like we're conditioned all over the place, right, we're told all of these things and it's important to decondition. And a deconditioning journey can take a while, but if you follow your strategy and authority it can really lead you into that deconditioning path in a really easy way. Yeah, so, knowing just really knowing how to use the simplest pieces of human design because, like I can do larger, bigger charts, because it talks about gates and channels and all kinds of stuff like planetary things I do gene keys, right, like I do all that.

Jocelyn Bates:

But what I find helps people the most is just understanding the basics, like understanding what they have access to energetically, what they don't, and how to follow their strategy and authority and some of the the like bigger themes in there. Because if you give someone I think I was telling you this last time if you give someone too much, too much information, it's like they go for the stuff that's juicy, but that's not necessarily that, the things that like I love having in astrology my Venus and Pisces, I'm like I'm such a poet, like I love it, but that's not helping me as much as other things in my astrology chart Right, right, right, right. So like I find that if they, if people, can really get a grasp of some of the simpler pieces to their chart and have someone kind of reflect it back for them so they can understand it, then it really opens up a door to go deep into human design if they want to. But to know those things first.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, I found out as a projector that I need to wait for the invitation. And now anybody that knows me, I'm like a go-getter. I'm like I'm out there and trying to make it happen, and you know, and then I'm like go-getter, I'm like I'm out there and trying to make it happen and then I'm like it's really hard for me, so that deconditioning it may take a while and I don't really have like I'm not that patient, but yeah, so if I wait for the invitation, it doesn't mean I'm just going to sit around here at my desk just waiting for someone to pick up the phone. There's still things I can do. It's just that I won't. I'm not going against my design. Yeah, and that'll open up more opportunities for me.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, and like knowing if you're a wait for an invitation person, you have to put yourself in places to get invitations. If you're a wait for invitation person and you're a work at home, don't talk to anybody else and you're like you're not going to get that many invitations, you have to place yourself in an environment where you're going to get the invitations that you want. So you still have a little bit of like. You still have a little bit of like power and say in that, but also like projector, you need to nap, you need to take a break. You should only work two to three hours a day, which is down insane to most people.

Jocelyn Bates:

That's part of the conditioning right there.

Rose Wippich:

Forget it. Yeah, no, that's really super hard, but I'm trying.

Jocelyn Bates:

You know, I'm learning yeah so it's interesting too with the projectors. Uh, I was just reading, I'm so I'm not. I I don't have many. I know very like I love I have managing manifesting generators and generators in my family right and manifestor, that's who's in my house we have so much energy, oh my god. Um, and I was just reading about projectors and because I like to like kind of, I'm a researcher, we're talking about it before it's my line one in human design or my Aquarius that likes to like give me the next thing, give me the next thing, give me the next thing. And I was just jumping like real deep dive into projector and it's this idea that, like they, as a projector, you almost can, you can lead someone effortlessly to their strategy and authority. It's super cool, it's like effortless leading because you sense it, but it's also it's not like for a wide group of people, it's like one or two at a time and it's like it's focused. So it's interesting so.

Rose Wippich:

I you'll hear me say on a lot of the podcast episodes that one of the reasons I'm doing this is to support my guests, because I really want to help people and see them succeed, and I didn't know that about a projector and as you say this yeah, that's what projectors do. It makes sense to me, total sense.

Jocelyn Bates:

A lot of projectors have been placed in the world of generators, where they are on nine to five jobs, and it is hard for a projector to do that and they get stuck and that's where the conditioning comes in, and so they're like, yeah, but I have to work to make this money to do that. But projectors can have very abundant lifestyles. They're just not using their energy correctly, right. But projectors can have very abundant lifestyles. They're just not using their energy correctly, right. Like often, every business needs a projector and they don't need to be there all the time. They just need to be there for a certain amount of hours to witness, to see, to be part of, and they can absolutely guide that business to its pinnacle.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, I used to work in HR with process improvement and I love that, and consultant do that, and then I went home. That's perfect. Yeah, I want to learn more about that. We're definitely going to connect more. I want to talk about Akashic Records. That's another topic that I haven't touched yet on my episode on my podcast, and I know you do that for people too. A lot of people don't know what that is. Can you talk about Akashic?

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, the Akashic records are like a dimension of pure knowledge and it's going into, you know, the soul.

Jocelyn Bates:

So everyone has an Akashic record, every living thing has an Akashic record, every event has an Akashic record. You can even go into the Akashic records of relationships, land, homes, right, all of these things have Akashic records. But when you go into your own records, it's the knowledge of your soul from the moment it came into existence and you have to kind of wrap your head. I just did a really big podcast on Akashic records the other day because I'm like you have to and it's someone who's really thought linearly and I'm like you have to change your mind over, because I know we think of time in a linear way present, past, future, however you know and it's like it moves forward, right. But in the Akashic records you have to think of it as like maybe a tiny marble or crystal ball and everything swirling together at the same time, because it's like there's it's not linear in the Akashic records. When you go into the's not linear in the Akashic Records, when you go into the dimension of knowledge of the Akashic Records, you can go, you can jump anywhere. You can jump to the past lives, your present life. You can jump to future lives, you can jump into all kinds of different places, and so you just have to you kind of have to take your mind and just turn it off for a little while to consider it to be more of like a crystal or like a marble that's just spinning. It's all happening at the same time so people don't go into the records. You know how people go to a tarot card reader and they're like they want a divination right. They want to know when they're going to get married. It says baby's going to work out. You can't go into the Akashic records for timeframes. It's all happening at the same time so you can't go in there to ask that.

Jocelyn Bates:

But you go into the akashic records to learn, to get curious, to find out, um, how deep something runs, to find the root of belief systems, to go in and see what the see, what the possibilities and future lives are of your gifts and how to bring them into this life. Like these are the things that you, you would go into the Akashic records for. And in the Akashic records you can. You can transmute contracts, deals and agreements. You can transmute belief systems.

Jocelyn Bates:

You can untether, you can call your energy back from all your lifetimes. You can. You can retrieve lost souls. You can do all kinds of stuff all your lifetimes. You can retrieve lost souls. You can do all kinds of stuff. You can connect with your soul team, with your spirit team, with your ascending masters masters, mentors, guides, guardians, angels and you can receive Reiki from your angels and your spirit team in the Akashic Records as well. So anytime that you go into the records, you are getting an energetic healing time that you go into the records, you are getting an energetic healing and um and everybody has access to their own akashic records everybody. There was a time when you did not have access. None of us had access and it was given back to us. The reason it was taken away is because people were going into other people's records and that there's an integrity without provision.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah right.

Jocelyn Bates:

There's an integrity that's needed and you need to have stated access Like, yes, you're, I want you to go in here. I permit you to do this, like when I go into people's records, like I have them stated, because I need to know, and I won't even have them stated a week earlier, it'll be right before I go into their records, because what if they change their mind? Right, like I have to. I have to make sure that it's like, it's real and current before I go in. And the integrity is I always I run everything by that person. I'm not transmitting a contract, I'm not transmitting a belief system, I'm not changing a past life unless I know they're there and they're recreating it with me. So that's why the access to the Akashic Records was denied everyone for quite some time, right, yeah.

Rose Wippich:

So you do readings for people, so someone will come to you and say I'm having problems or give me an example of what have some of the struggles. People have that and they're coming to you with help for help with the Akashic Records, using the Akashic Records.

Jocelyn Bates:

I've had people come to me for lots of different things from their business because you can go into the Akashic Records of a business and I've gone into the Akashic Records and designed the logos and stuff for businesses just from things I'm seeing in the Akashic Records from colors, words, all that kind of stuff for a business which is really fun work to do. And I've also gone in for people who have lost people. It's not a medium, I'm not going in to read things, but to connect back to people who are gone and like if there were other lives they were in. What kind of lessons? How can I move through this? How can we heal through this? Where else have you had grief? What are the belief systems that are beginning to seed from this grief? And I've gone in and done that work. I've also gone in for people who are having, like you know, even marital problems.

Jocelyn Bates:

My favorite place to go into the records is for people who are women, who are Gen X, because this is, I am a woman who's Gen X and I'm 47 now and I'm going through major changes all over the place, right, and this Gen X kind of where we are now. It's so full of life transitions, it is so ripe the territory to really make change and to really get into who we are that when you go into the records it's like a limitless possibility. I feel like, as a woman at this age, to go in and begin to work in the records. So yeah, to make your life what you want it to be, to figure out what you want, to figure out what you're here for you know, Wow, and you're starting to run women's circles too right you really want to work.

Rose Wippich:

You work with women.

Jocelyn Bates:

I do work with women. Divine and goddess energy. Yeah, yeah, you're starting to have these circles, right, and what do you do in your women's circles? Some of the women can't make it, so I'm like, oh, maybe I should just like hold off to the next day. I can't, I should listen to my strategy and authority. You should, you should, yeah, yes, absolutely.

Rose Wippich:

What is your intention behind the women's circles, your women's circles?

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, I want to connect women to each other. I feel like at this age I need to connect to women. They were like. They were like the moms that my kids liked, their kids. They weren't like the moms, but they weren't my friends, you know. So I wanted to connect back to women who I connect with, and I also wanted to bring soul art and intention.

Jocelyn Bates:

There was something I wanted to do a while back, which was create an intention-based subscription box, but it seemed like such a big deal and I was like I'd rather just I'd rather be connected with people. So my intention is to do it as a new moon and to create a new moon intention each month and to follow that intention and support each other through that intention. So, like this last Women's Circle, we worked with soul art and we did a mini soul art journey and I walked everyone through a live yoga nidra first. So we went through a live yoga nidra and really went into the subtle selves and like, just relaxed totally, to find the sankalpa and the intention. And then we kind of I've been supporting, we've been supporting each other through the month of that intention.

Rose Wippich:

Oh, I love that yeah.

Jocelyn Bates:

So it's kind of where I'm at right now.

Rose Wippich:

Just the yoga nidra alone is yummy. I mean I'm surprised anyone was able to do anything after a yoga nidra.

Jocelyn Bates:

Oh well, you'd be surprised. Like right before I came on here, I just did a 40-minute yoga nidra. I always feel so awake afterwards.

Rose Wippich:

Well, yeah, it does. It does energize you. They say it is. You know it's what? Half an hour, right, but you're almost sleeping for three hours, something like that. Three to four hours. Three to four hours, yeah, because your brainwaves.

Jocelyn Bates:

The brainwaves move through the subtle selves and so, as you do a yoga nidra yeah, you could do like a 30, 40-minute yoga nidra and I feel like I've had a three to four hour nap and you have on the inside timer, people can find you.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, I'm going to look for you and people. We have to put those links in the show notes.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, I'll send all those to you.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, absolutely. You know, as an Aquarian, I know you're an air sign, like me, and we're all over the freaking place. What keeps you grounded? What? What stops you from like being all over the place and getting distracted, wanting to do this, want to do everything, like, what? What kind of like brings you back down where you can just like, oh, that's interesting because I feel like I as so in human design.

Jocelyn Bates:

Like this is my human design profile four one quad, right gate of fantasy, juxtaposition of fantasy and the gate of fantasy is my fixed fate. Like I am meant to follow the flow at all times, like I'm not meant to have any schedule whatsoever. It is so hard. It is so hard. But when I find that I follow the flow and I listen to the moments in front of me, that grounds me, even though it's totally not grounding. It's not like like when I have something that's every day, like I have a cup of coffee in the morning. It doesn't always feel grounding to me, unless it's like calling to me that day. And so, like I, nothing actually ever works all the time for me. I, oh, I do find, though, um, writing and art to be. You know, if I was to say one thing that I find and I'm, I'm, I'm called to almost all the time anyways, it's almost always my flow to go there um is writing and and art.

Rose Wippich:

Um, is there anything you want to talk about that we haven't talked about that you want to share, about anything you do?

Jocelyn Bates:

You know, I, I like I. You know, I think you had said earlier, I'm like, what I do is I'm a cultivator of curiosity and creativity in the human experiment and I've really been focusing on this idea that we are a soul in a human skin, in a human body and you know, just speaking to the Akashic records for a minute, minute, before our soul incarnates into a human life, uh, we know everything. We are light beings. We are, you know, people that say people, we're souls, that we don't have any questions. And I, I believe we incarnate into this human life to feel, and so I have to.

Jocelyn Bates:

I remind myself constantly lately to like I'm here to feel so, and so I have to. I remind myself constantly lately to like I'm here to feel. So, if I consistently try to avoid feeling, what am I doing to my soul here, first of all? Second of all, it's okay to feel. I'm here to feel. If it doesn't feel good, it's an experiment. I constantly use that word experiment with myself. I'm experimenting.

Jocelyn Bates:

If I don't like how I feel, like if I'm feeling really sad, instead of like getting scared of that sad feeling, I'm going to get curious. Okay, how does this feel different in my fingertips, like, how does it feel different? Okay, how might I move this? How could I breathe into this a little differently? How could I? If this was like a photograph? Would it be a Polaroid or would it be a digital photograph Like? These are weird things that go through my mind. But like the, what it does is it allows me to be present in the human experience and you know.

Jocelyn Bates:

And so the idea of being curious and being creative at all times and honing those two things and, top of it, like so you hone your curiosity and your creativity, and then you just realize that both live within the body. Your body is the instrument of both. So you respect your body, you honor your body or you use your body to gain insight into your curiosity and creativity. It's the three. The three together make up the whole thing for me. And that's what I do for people. I help them get into their body, I help them learn how to be curious, how to widen their lens, how to open up and how to express and let their soul express through them. And in the end, I don't go. I don't try to heal anybody. I don't try to. I try to help them, guide them to heal themselves. It's not my job, it's their experiment. They should be doing it. They should get curious and creative and I want to watch it. I want to be on the sidelines, like, yeah, I want to be on the sidelines Like, yeah, I love that.

Jocelyn Bates:

Like you know I'm not here to kill them and so, but I do, I know I'm here to help walk people into that process, but yeah, so that's kind of what I do and I love it, I love it.

Rose Wippich:

Yeah, it's wonderful, I feel the same way People. People have the ability to heal themselves, and that's what we learned in our class, too, with Janet have the ability to heal themselves, and that's what we learned in our class, too, with Janet. So, yes, here, here, you do so much and you know you. You have so many tools that you can guide people with and I just love it and I and I just want to thank you for being here on the show and I'm getting to know you more and more and connecting with you. It's so great. You live so close and I want to you know, be more in your space and learn more from you and and be guided by you as well. So I'm going to put everything in the show notes, of course, Um, so people can find you and also share in your contagious wonderful energy.

Jocelyn Bates:

Yeah, yeah, I love and I'm so thank you for having me, cause I love just talking about it.

Jocelyn Bates:

And I think you're fantastic the more that we, the more that we talk and the more that we make it relatable and the more that, like, people understand like we're all in it to be curious and creative and to feel through like that's it, that's what we're here to do, the more people that see that other people are doing it and they also hit roadblocks and they also have all this stuff and, wow, that person's gone through grief and how did they do it? I'm going to get curious and creative over there and you know, like, the more that it becomes part of life, the more that we're going to, especially in 2027, into the paradigm shift. That's how we're going to make it like.

Rose Wippich:

That's how we're going to do it yeah, so we need to start the work now and being expressive through art and through voice. That's how we heal, because I think personally, a lot of women have a lot of blocks in the way they express themselves or not expressing themselves at all at all because they may feel that no one wants to hear them. I know personally, like I'll be like no one wants to hear my story, like, but yeah, my stories or stories heal, or our expression or expressive stories, whatever that is, it heals can heal yourself and others.

Jocelyn Bates:

Well, there was that. There was that interesting. I saw a meme on some social media that it was like an article on social media or a video, and it was like one of these young actresses who was on a show and she was crying and whatever. I didn't even listen to what she was talking about. She was like openly crying and the meme said this person is so amazing, not because she's an actress, because she's the first woman I've seen cry and not apologize for it. And I was like hell, yeah, like because that's what we did. We're like. I mean, I apologize all the time. It just comes out, just flies out. Oh sorry, I'm crying, but you know I don't even mean it, it's not even. There's nothing attached to the.

Rose Wippich:

We have to stop doing that OK like women in general have, because I don't hear men apologizing, it's the women. Yes, we need to. You know, be unapologetic. Yeah, you know, be unapologetic. Yeah, not hurtful, we're not hurting other people, we just. We don't need to apologize for everything that we do, because what we do is, there's no reason to apologize yeah, absolutely like, I love that word unapologetic that was my. That's my word for the year when. When I was asked, yeah, my word for the year unapologetic I love it.

Jocelyn Bates:

It's perfect. Mine is my for the year, but it's changed recently because I moved through. The solar journey was like to I'm rising from the ashes of expectation into abundant freedom.

Rose Wippich:

Oh, I love that.

Jocelyn Bates:

But, like this idea of I think women have a lot of expectations on us and once we put on ourselves, other people put us on society, put on us, our kids put on us. Oh, it's just so many. We put it on us, we put it on ourselves, right? All these expectations, I'm like I'm rising from the ashes of them.

Rose Wippich:

That's my, that's my theme for this year. Well, listen, thank you so much for your energy and for guiding women everywhere, and let's go into 2027 ready with our strategy and our authority rising like the Phoenix.

Jocelyn Bates:

I love it.

Rose Wippich:

Thank you so much. Thank you for joining me here on Chat Off The Mat. I hope these stories have inspired you. If you've enjoyed this episode, please share it with those who might benefit. Your support helps me spread awareness about the power of transformative healing. Stay connected with me on social media. Reach out with your own healing stories or topics you'd like me to explore in future episodes. Your voice is an essential part of this community. I hope that your healing journey is filled with self-discovery, curiosity, resilience and the unwavering belief in the power that resides within you. Until next time, I'm Rose Wippich, wishing you a journey filled with love, laughter and endless possibilities.

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